FAQ: What is Joshi Wrestling?

Joshi wrestling (or Joshi Puroresu) refers to Japanese women's professional wrestling. Joshi literally means girl in Japanese. While the English term "women's wrestling" would have the same meaning in a practical sense, the term Joshi wrestling is typically used to differentiate Japanese promotions and wrestlers from those in other countries, especially as Japanese female wrestlers have long earned a reputation for performing some of the best matches in the world.

As with the use of terms like "anime" (which is literally the first three syllables of the word "animation" transliterated in the katakana character set used for foreign loanwords in Japanese), "puroresu" is simply the English term "purofeshyonaru resuringu" ("professional wrestling" transliterated in katakana.) For the same reason as with the use of the term Joshi in English, Puroresu is often used as a way to differentiate distinctly Japanese pro wrestling (involving any gender) as a way to distinguish promotions in Japan from, for instance, the WWE in America.

The term Joshi wrestling or Joshi pro wrestling, however, is often used as the Japanese term Joshi already differentiates it enough from American or other countries' female wrestling.