FAQ: What is Joshi Wrestling?

Joshi wrestling (or Joshi Puroresu) refers to Japanese women's professional wrestling. Joshi literally means girl in Japanese. While the English term "women's wrestling" would have the same meaning in a practical sense, the term Joshi wrestling is typically used to differentiate Japanese promotions and wrestlers from those in other countries, especially as Japanese female wrestlers have long earned a reputation for performing some of the best matches in the world.


FAQ: Can I watch Joshi wrestling in English?

In the past, it was common for American fans to simply ignore the language barrier and watch Japanese wrestling of all kinds, including Joshi wrestling, in Japanese. Obviously, for audiences who have little to no knowledge of the Japanese language, this can be a little daunting. Thankfully, the vast majority of Joshi wrestling can be understood without the need to understand any spoken or written words. When it comes to Puroresu, it's a literal case of actions speaking louder than words. Of course, some English-speaking fans would like to know what the wrestlers are saying in some of the mic work before and after a match. Thankfully, the situation has improved for these fans in recent years.


FAQ: What is the Joshi style of wrestling?

Technically, there is no single style of wrestling in Joshi or Japanese female pro wrestling. Generally, the reason Americans and others abroad often differentiate Joshi wrestling as a style, it's usually because Japanese women's wrestling is generally stiffer (strikes hit harder), involves more impressive techniques, and just overall of a higher quality than pro wrestling in America.
